>> Your name is Fairfox G. Bertenstein
//thegisforgodzilla// ^you think to yourself
You went out for your daily run to see the sunrise, decided to walk, you are on vacation after all!
disappointed in yourself
the sunrise is approximately as nice as you needed it to be)
you take a minute and reflect upon your achievements!
the morning breeze whispers at your surroundings reminding you that you're not alone, you continue your run
>>You walk up to the night market
it's relatively busy, civilians going about their night merrily, the lights twinkle at you from every angle^you scan the area
*Scuba Diving! ^you saw the sign
*Hardware! ^you sleep on your decisions!
*BOXING ^you win there
*cathedral nox. ^"you dance
you drink
you leave."
*gift shop!
*food shop!
*scary dark alleyway!
>>You enter the MMA place!
There's a boxing ring in the corner, as well as MMA MERCH, various warriors are training
^you're wearing an outfit//wanttobuyanotheroutfit?WIN.
*Challenger enters the ring!<<
>>You enter the boxing ring.
Don't forget to breathe!
>>Back into the market with You
You bought a new hoodie!
A light grey color with the gym logo emblazoned on the front in gold*!., soft on the inside good heavy fabric for cold nights, with gold capped drawstrings AND! a hood that doesn't make you look dorky if you wear it up, costs like half of your cash! //makessenseitscoolwhatever//
"YARGH" a booming voice echoes around the market followed by a crashing noise
The Captain leaves the food court!
>>You run over to the origin of the noise //maybeyoucanhelp?//
Someone walks up to the mess to sweep it up^
they're wearing the uniform,
>>"Hey do you know of any fun things to do around here?"
the lights above the scuba diving desk blink in your peripherals*.*.*.*.*
"Yeah like what?"
she's staring at you intently!
"something fun right?"
"scuba diving has a sale today if that's something you'd be into"
"Sure thanks"
>>you walk up to the scuba diving stand!
the sign is made of wood nailed onto some pvc pipe, sharpie is haphazardly scrawled, the table's made of grey plastic, a bedazzled office set is organized
a stand attendant pops her gum at you*
"I was told theres a sale today?"
the stand attendant hands you a business card while writing your name down on a piece of paper*
ok? _______
| |
on the business card are the words | 'end of the alleyway now plz
$free$<3 ' |
| |
>>you run down the dark alleyway
the ocean waves against the horizon, between them is a large *sailboat, on the deck seems to be some passengers
The Captain shakes your hand!
his pipe is on fire "Welcome aboard!"
>>you board his boat!
the passengers are ice sculptures artisinally crafted //they'llprobablymelt//
the engine starts and it is startling, the statues shudder with the waves,
>>you wonder about the mechanics of the boat
>>you look around and accidentally are rocked into one of the statues which falls over//ohno//
the statues fall one by one into each other the last one misses the largest statue by a centimeter
The Captain stops the boat
"did you break these statues?"
your heart skips a few beats^
>>you get thrown in the slammer.
for your crimes against ice-kind.//butididntIRRELIVANT//
the room is dungeon-like with a cot and a floor and a door with a large padlock on it*
>>you look around the room
leave the room? |yes|
>>you cannot leave the room you are trapped in the room //somethinginthewaynirvana*//
punch the wall? |yes|
lick the wall? |yes|
>>you lick the wall
it tastes like mildew and salt.
>>your head starts hurting
-some time passes-
>>you've been in the room for what feels like years!
your brain is pounding in your skull and you don't know why
*a golden brick glints in your peripherals //wasthateventherebefore//
>>you pull the brick out of the wall
behind the brick is a dark tunnel //there might be something in thereig//
>>you stick your hand into the brick-hole
then your forearm
upto your shoulder^
grab the handle? |yes|
>>you pull the sledgehammer out of the brick-hole
the handle is polished sleekly, it glints menacingly in your hands!
with one swift motion you break the padlock, it falls to the floor
the door swings open!
look around the lower deck? |sure|
the lower deck is a mix of wood and metal with some lockers lining one side containing items the other side is some chairs and a bottle of rum, stairs lead up to the door you entered the lower deck from
>>you break the door with the sledgehammer
water bursts down the stairs //FUCKFUCKCKFUCK//
looking through the lockers* you find some scuba gear //FUCK
don' the scuba gear?? //FUCK//
>>you put on the scuba gear
luckily there's an air tank, the water is bursting through the doorway, you need to get out of there, your head is pounding
//>>you wonder about the captain
>>you break the water with the sledgehammer
looking around you see her, the statue, illuminated from a porthole, almost invisible under the water, looking up your heart drops as you realize where you're at-
the boat had sunk as you were in the slammer, your head is pounding, letting go of your sledgehammer you can't see the surface, she floats upwardly!
>>you put your hands on your temples
^>>your head explodes from the pressure*